Saturday, October 9, 2010

1. So, would you rather be a captain of a canoe or first mate of a large cruise? Go!

2. Some connections unfold future and create destiny, these are the connections that will always come under attack, keep those connections alive

3. It may sound surprising, but 90% of my destiny is found inside other people

4. Hence the saying that destiny comes out from community

5. Barnabas, the son of encouragement

6. Ps Phil kept everyone til 8pm, dinner at subway til half past 9, back in JB by 10

1. Always watch out for hidden costs, always be aware that they exist

2. True faith must be preceded by true repentance

3. Your confession should be as wide as your transgressions

4. Visited a German owned condom factory at Senai today. The attention to details. Impressed. The label "Tight" actually means snug fit, which actually means small.

5. Found a new place for WINGS

Thursday, October 7, 2010

1. Returned from a fruitful meeting. I really like to sit back and listen to people talk about/share/explain ideas, especially since they are wiser. Listen, then speak.

2. And the King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you have done it one the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me.'

3. Attended an unpleasant case presentation this week where it seemed as if some of the students were more interested in preying on the faults of their colleagues as opposed to learning medicine; god forbid that any of us enjoyed the spectacle. Was there reason to be unkind? To humiliate our own? Shouldn't we defend and protect?

4. There can be reason to disagree and to argue, but there should be no reason to be unkind

5. This is how we judge others:
When an enemies make a mistake, they're idiots
When friends make a mistake they're only human

6. We are all the same, in need of amazing grace

Monday, October 4, 2010

1. Lest we forget what made this day significant

2. A time to search and a time to give up

3. Longing for the days when the Big Mac was actually BIG

4. Mr Ushwe: " So now, you in Sabah, and you are the surgeon. There is no endoscope and you are in the OT, how would you find the source of bleed in the bowel?"
" Don't know Sir"
" Ah, you use the district method!"
- We teach global, but practice local

Sunday, October 3, 2010

1. Completed my 5th Mini case record today. Patient with a known Hx of Colorectal Ca presented at the A&E with a one week Hx of abdominal distention worse after eating. Associated with non specific abdominal pain that involved the back, altered bowel habits and one episode of non-bilious vomitus. All these were classical symptoms of intestinal obstruction. My initial impression was adhesion colic because of a previous history of abdominal surgery. However, the patient was also mildly jaundiced and slightly febrile. Physical Examination was unremarkable except for the fact that he was jaundiced. Blood investigations revealed a normal full blood count, there were no dilated loops of bowel in the abdominal x-ray. An ultrasound of the pancreato-biliary tree and liver was carried out. The findings were, a thickened gall bladder wall and stones. A serum amylase was subsequently ordered, it was in the thousands - 2206. A Provisional Diagnosis of Gall stone Pancreatitis was made.

The interesting thing about the patient was that he looked too well for his condition.

At the A&E, the differentials that the houseman arrived at were 1. Non-specific abdominal pain 2. Colon Ca with secondary metastatis.

In the ward, the surgeon's impression was adhesion colic. This was before the abdominal x-ray results were ready. On seeing that there were no abnormalities on the abdominal x-ray, the surgeon subsequently ordered a serum amylase as well as USG abdomen which nailed the diagnosis.

Lesson- In non-specific abdominal pain, do not forget serum amylase!

2. Met up with the boys the day before, was most impressed when
David said: " I'm not making full use of the NLB"
Darren said: " Sometimes, I find that prep is too short"

3. Ps Tan spoke about turning points. Whenever Naaman looked at his baby like- skin, he is reminded of his object of service; whenever Gehazi looked at his leprose skin, he also is reminded of his object of service

4. The traveling experience is less then satisfying but the destination is worth it

Saturday, October 2, 2010

1. There is always a cost and with it a reward

2. Its Dad's birthday today. The person whom I have the utmost respect for; the person I will tell my kids about; the example for everything I want to become

3. The washing machine is making weird noises

4. Do you love me, Peter? Then feed my sheep

Friday, October 1, 2010

1. Was reminded over dinner last night that I have to start preparing for my SPM BM paper, still unable to find the motivation to do so; I need another fella with the same predicament

2. Pay the extra RM 1 if you know that the other box of fresh milk tastes better even if another company tries to undersell to you. Be the loyal customer, not the convenient one

3. Packing your own bottled water to meals does save money

4. How does one jump start a cooling relationship?